Is menopause leaving you hot and bothered? No need to sweat it with this herbal combo.
Menopause combo tincture combines black cohosh, chaste tree, milk thistle and st. john’s wort, a classic set of herbs known to naturally balance hormones and relieve hot flashes, night sweats and nervous tension. Black cohosh has long been used to reduce hot flashes and night sweats, while chaste tree works as a hormonal tonic to help balance the female hormones. Milk thistle supports the liver in detoxifying excess hormones, and st. john’s wort helps to relieve anxiety and nervousness.
Menopause is a natural transition in every woman’s life, so why not treat it in a natural way? Take advantage of the wisdom of the ages with this combo that restores balance and helps keep you cool as a cucumber!
Each ml contains
*Organically grown
40% gluten-free grain alcohol and purified water.